Adding a Banker to Your Small Business Consulting Team
Williams Kunkel
March 28, 2017
If you want the best for your business, surround yourself with like-minded individuals. As a business owner, get support from a small business consulting team that has expertise in specific areas. Your CPA plays a critical role for you, but don’t forget about others. Cue your business banker. Your CPA... Read more

Why Your Office Layout Matters
Williams Kunkel
May 10, 2016
With the new emphasis on ‘startup culture’ and the different business philosophies it implies, plus millennials placing a strong emphasis on workplace enjoyment, many companies are looking more closely at their own office culture. While there are many factors that comprise a company culture, an undeniably large part of it is... Read more

34 Ways To Increase Small Business Earnings
Williams Kunkel
June 7, 2016
Small business owners want to know how to increase their small business earnings. The good news is there are many ways to make more money. This includes managing every aspect of your practice and striving for productivity growth. Here is a checklist with 34 ways you can make more... Read more

Managing Millennial Employees
Williams Kunkel
June 28, 2016
An expected 75,000,000 millennials are preparing to join or joining the workforce. These can be very good employees. Managing your millennial employees in a fun, yet structured setting will let you build the foundation for the superior workforce you desire. Here are some tips on how to best manage millennial... Read more

5 Tips for Motivating Team Members
Williams Kunkel
December 10, 2015
Great managers are made by how well they motivate their team members. Here are five proven ways for motivating people on your staff. 1. They take responsibility for the store’s success and failure. Exceptional managers always have a “the buck starts and stops here” mentality. They never blame weather, competitors,... Read more

3 Best Ways to Work with Millennials
Williams Kunkel
January 8, 2016
The next-generation worker, aka the Millennial, is a big part of the business landscape and a huge part of the future. In fact, by 2020, Millennials will represent 50% of the workforce and an astounding 75% of the workforce by 2025. It’s important that your company caters to this next... Read more

How Workplace Conflict Can Improve a Business
Williams Kunkel
January 5, 2016
Managed correctly, workplace conflict can be a positive source of innovation and creativity. Here are five myths about workplace conflict (plus tips on how to harness its power): 1. Conflict is always negative and should be avoided at work. Quite the contrary. When problems are hidden or masked, they aren’t... Read more

The Trinity of Management
Williams Kunkel
September 3, 2015
The Trinity of Management is a simplified concept of basic business management. Coined and trademarked by Ernesto Sirolli, it makes it relatively easy to get across the basics of business by creating a framework in which we can start the work of building a solid new business or expanding an existing... Read more

Motivating A Team With More Than Pay Raises
Williams Kunkel
September 8, 2015
Staff motivation should always be on top of your priority list because a business thrives when it’s people thrive. If they’re not motivated – if they don’t feel as if they’re adding value and are indispensable within the team – then your business is at a huge disadvantage. It’s a... Read more

How to Take a Holiday Break as a Small Business Owner
Williams Kunkel
September 17, 2015
Everyone deserves a break, especially those who work hard trying to a get a business off the ground. A recent survey found that three quarters (76%) of small business owners and entrepreneurs skip their holidays in order to keep their business running smoothly. But while there may never be a... Read more

How To Protect Your Small Business
Williams Kunkel
September 22, 2015
Small businesses have a lot to manage, and often without a lot of resources to do so. The focus is on keeping the business running smoothly, pleasing customers, and making a profit. But in today’s digital world of non-stop news headlines reporting data breaches and fraud, making security a priority... Read more

Positive Thinking in the Workplace
Williams Kunkel
October 9, 2015
Do your co-workers ever feel upset or angry in the workplace? Let’s look at the kind of feelings that can impact your work negatively and what kind of mental exercises can help you work around those feelings to keep your positive thinking alive. Recognize those bad feelings ... Read more

A Recipe for a Successful Small Business
Williams Kunkel
October 29, 2015
Since its inception, the United States has always been considered “the land of opportunity” – a place where any individual with motivation and drive can have a successful small business. This notion still holds true today as 99 percent of all American companies are small businesses, according to Small Business... Read more

The Art of Positive Feedback
Williams Kunkel
October 16, 2015
Knowing how to effectively give positive feedback is a powerful tool to develop employee skills and talent. However, many leaders on the front lines, middle management, and upper tiers of organizations often overlook positive feedback and reinforcement, or are unsure or uncomfortable about giving it. Why Positive Feedback Is Important... Read more

A Simple Trick For Keeping Good Team Members
Williams Kunkel
October 13, 2015
Finding good staff members is consistently in the top three priorities for small business owners. It seems that business owners will tell you that this problem is worse in their country than any other. Clearly that can’t be true, but it gives an indication of how serious the problem is.... Read more

Building an Excellent Team
Williams Kunkel
July 19, 2015
What makes an excellent team? Diversity, an entrepreneurial spirit, and ambition are some of the key ingredients of a successful team in any industry. Gathering talent from a variety of backgrounds can better ensure that all kinds of tasks get done by qualified people. Promoting a culture of creativity and... Read more

7 Tips on Building a Strong Team
Williams Kunkel
July 10, 2015
Entrepreneurs need to be effective team leaders… …..since no one can transform an idea into a product and a business without some help. Fortunately, team building is a skill that can be learned and practiced, for those willing to put in some effort. Take a look at this checklist as... Read more

3 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Success
Williams Kunkel
July 26, 2015
Helping your business reach its goals for success is within your power. Boosting productivity and efficiency gives small businesses a competitive edge and can often mean the difference between thriving or barely hanging on. Though increasing efficiency can be hard at times, finding small ways to boost your team’s productivity... Read more

How Downtime Can Be Full of Opportunity
Williams Kunkel
August 2, 2015
The dog days of summer can be a time for retooling and opportunity. Although it can be hard trying to keep a business running, there’s still hope for growth. Here’s a list of tips for small business owners who want to turn downtime into opportunity. Conduct a mid-year goal review... Read more

3 Cost-free Team-Building Exercises
Williams Kunkel
August 5, 2015
What’s a team without trust? Mary Scannell, author of “The Big Book of Low-Cost Training Games” and several other team-building books, says a lack of trust among team members is a major concern for many managers she consults. “Everybody’s just clamoring for ‘How do we build more trust on our team?’” she says. “Well, you... Read more

7 strategies for growing your business
Williams Kunkel
May 5, 2015
Now you want a growth plan? What could go wrong? Here are seven common areas where we regularly see mishaps when businesses try to develop and execute a growth plan: Concentrating resource. A good sales strategy looks at all available resources and concentrates them on a few carefully chosen options.... Read more