3 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Success

Williams Kunkel
July 26, 2015
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Helping your business reach its goals for success is within your power.

Boosting productivity and efficiency gives small businesses a competitive edge and can often mean the difference between thriving or barely hanging on. Though increasing efficiency can be hard at times, finding small ways to boost your team’s productivity can have significant effects on business growth.

Below are 3 top tips to help boost small business success:

  1. Define a short list of essential priorities.   

    Following these three tips could help improve your business's performance.

    Following these three tips could help improve your business’s performance.

Defining your priorities is essential to creating a game plan in order to get things done. In reality, it may be impossible to narrow your list of priorities down to just ten. However, you can define a short list that is essential to organizing your team’s projects and meeting upcoming deadlines. Check progress and re-evaluate these priorities at the beginning of each week to ensure that your team is on task and remaining productive.

  1. Use cloud-based programs to connect your team.

One of the best ways to boost productivity is to make sure that team members are constantly connected and working together, regardless of where they are. Cloud-based programs are a great way to keep everyone on task whether or not they are working in the office. Programs like Google Docs allow your team to easily view, edit, and share documents without email. Apps like Evernote are a great way to share meeting notes and other ideas. There are also excellent task management apps, such as Any.do and Wunderlist that help keep your team on track and meeting goals.

  1. Keep your employees happy.

Keeping your employees consistently happy may not be an easy task, but it is one of the most important. A 2014 survey conducted by economists from the University of Warwick reported a 10 percent productivity boost for those employees that were happy vs. those who were not. Though keeping your team in good spirits may be tough at times, there are small things you can do to help keep your employees satisfied. Examples include treating them to lunch or taking a short break to do something fun like darts or cards.

If you’re looking for more advice on how to boost productive business success, call Williams & Kunkel in Flower Mound at 972-446-1040 today.

Need more business advisory help? Read more at Williams & Kunkel, CPAs, LLP New Business Advisor Services.

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Source: Business2Community