Check-Up On Your Business’s Health
Williams Kunkel
October 18, 2016
A body requires routine checks and examinations for its health. So does a business. No matter what stage your business is in, to keep it going you must check its systems, pay attention to any ailments and prevent early death. For the newborn business, the goals and system checks are... Read more

Overcoming Small Business Challenges
Williams Kunkel
April 26, 2016
Entrepreneurs and small business owners who follow the 3 tips below often enjoy success regardless of what business challenges are thrown at them. Those business owners who embrace these principles thrive during major economic downturns. And although these 3 tips may seem counter-intuitive at first sight, try them out and... Read more

A Promotions Plan That Works
Williams Kunkel
May 24, 2016
You may have the greatest product ever, but if you don’t tell the world about it with a well-crafted promotions plan, it will sit on the shelves collecting dust until the day comes when you finally have to close down your business. Remember: you know what is great about your business... Read more

Drafting a Strong Business Plan
Williams Kunkel
May 26, 2016
Running a business without a strong business plan is like rock climbing blindfolded. Your chances of making it successfully to the top are slim. And the climb up will definitely be risky. Contrary to popular belief and practice, a business plan is not only a means to securing financing. Instead... Read more

Small Business Promotion for Free
Williams Kunkel
June 3, 2016
Sometimes, having a great idea or product is not enough to get customers in the door. But small business promotion doesn’t have to be a costly endeavor. There are a number of effective and free ways to get people excited about what you have to offer. Here are five great... Read more

Four Small Business Mistakes
Williams Kunkel
June 21, 2016
It is only to be expected that business owners make financial mistakes which can jeopardize their dreams. Here are four of the most common small business mistakes and how business owners can avoid them. Failing to plan Few small businesses have a working budget and cash flow forecast which is... Read more

New List of World’s Richest People
Williams Kunkel
February 4, 2016
A new list of the world’s wealthiest people is here, and it’s really no surprise who claimed the number one spot. Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and one of the richest people in history, once again comes out on top, with a net worth of $87.4 billion. Wealth-X, a wealth-tracking website,... Read more

Spring Small Business Tips
Williams Kunkel
April 5, 2016
Besides being a time for reassessing personal finances, after tax season is a good time for small businesses to de-clutter business expenses and polish up business plans. Here are some tips for small businesses to perform a little “spring cleaning” of their own: 1. De-cluttering expenses: Now it’s smart to... Read more

What is a Business Barometer?
Williams Kunkel
November 26, 2015
Just as important as goal-setting is developing a way to track your progress. Having barometer, so to speak, will show you how you are progressing — and how close you are to reaching your goals. Seeing your progress will also help keep you focused and motivated. In short, having a business barometer will keep... Read more

4 Small Business Strategies
Williams Kunkel
December 8, 2015
It might be time to stop cutting costs and start focusing on growth strategies again. The law of diminishing returns tells us that cutting costs with your business will have a positive effect, but there comes a point where the return on investment starts to diminish. Is your company too... Read more

6 Self-Employed Tax Tips
Williams Kunkel
January 26, 2016
Early in a new year is often the time when would-be entrepreneurs think about going into business for themselves. Self-employment can be a terrific opportunity to be your own boss and do something you love to do. Being your own business also brings with it a special set of tax... Read more

3 Common Entrepreneur Mistakes
Williams Kunkel
January 14, 2016
When it comes to starting a new business, most people focus on how they will win and achieve the American dream. But success isn’t something most new businesses experience. It’s important to be aware of entrepreneur mistakes. “The painful truth is that the majority of first-time entrepreneurs who launch a... Read more

4 Ways to Scale Your Service Business
Williams Kunkel
August 28, 2015
Owning a service business can be tough, and running a service business day-in and day-out can be even tougher. For many service business owners, building a service business stopped being fun a long time ago and somehow it mutated into a “job.” Here are 4 tips to help you scale your service... Read more

How To Plan For Succession In Family Business
Williams Kunkel
September 10, 2015
It’s never too early to start succession planning in a family business. Here’s a story… …From the moment the Yung Kee restaurant sold its first goose in Hong Kong, in the 1960s, its founder Kam Shui-fai groomed two of his sons for management roles. However he never had the time... Read more

Strategic Planning Steps for Business Management
Williams Kunkel
September 15, 2015
What are the Strategic Planning Steps? The Strategic Planning Steps business management system is an organizational tool that is used by groups and corporations globally to refine their goals and maximize their resources. Drawing from the concepts of strategic military planning, the Strategic Planning process is one way in which... Read more

Is Your Accountant Right for Your Business?
Williams Kunkel
November 3, 2015
Is Your Accountant Proactive or Reactive? Does your Accounting and Tax Firm offer you advice before it happens or late or not at all? Do they offer value added services that help your business improve and grow or do they just process your work? Are they constantly looking for legitimate... Read more

A Recipe for a Successful Small Business
Williams Kunkel
October 29, 2015
Since its inception, the United States has always been considered “the land of opportunity” – a place where any individual with motivation and drive can have a successful small business. This notion still holds true today as 99 percent of all American companies are small businesses, according to Small Business... Read more

Five Tips for Smart Business Growth
Williams Kunkel
October 27, 2015
Taking your business from the start-up phase to becoming a medium-sized enterprise is a pivotal step for many entrepreneurs. If you are at this stage, congratulations! You have succeeded where many others have failed, and you are potentially on your way to becoming a very successful company. That said, there... Read more

Building an Excellent Team
Williams Kunkel
July 19, 2015
What makes an excellent team? Diversity, an entrepreneurial spirit, and ambition are some of the key ingredients of a successful team in any industry. Gathering talent from a variety of backgrounds can better ensure that all kinds of tasks get done by qualified people. Promoting a culture of creativity and... Read more

STRATEGY Use it to succeed in your business
Williams Kunkel
May 24, 2015
Developing strategy to succeed in business A recent survey, conducted by The High Center for Family Business at Elizabethtown College and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, found that 65% of family businesses do not have a strategic plan. Many businesses misuse the term strategy As leaders of businesses,... Read more

Williams & Kunkel, CPAs LLP client case study Jewelry Theory
Williams Kunkel
June 3, 2015
Matching their passion for jewelry with their drive to revolutionize the industry… Dallas-based Jewelry Theory is not a jewelry store: it is a new approach to jewelry design and creation. And it’s catching on fast. We spoke with one of the four owners and Head of Design, Tony Logan, about... Read more

How a Business Plan Can Help Your Business Grow
Williams Kunkel
June 19, 2015
The Power of Drafting an Annual Business Plan ….If you want to grow, one of the most important steps is to develop a plan for growth — and then make planning an ongoing process of your company. Remember: You can’t reach a goal you haven’t set. It’s planning that’s important, not... Read more

How to Plan Your Business Pipeline of Growth
Williams Kunkel
June 25, 2015
Nurturing clear strategies for growth Effective growth plans are built from a targeted strategy that builds sales and profit by channel, customer, and product to identify what can be achieved. These plans are usually more realistic and will include a new customer or new product business pipeline to define potential... Read more

How To Get The Best Out Of Your Employees
Williams Kunkel
July 4, 2015
Hiring your first employee is a big step. You’ll want to make sure that you help your new hire to maximize their performance. We suggest following four steps that are simple, but time tested: 1. Set the right goals Goal setting is essential. It helps employees to prioritize their activities and... Read more