DFW Accountant Pros: What To Do With Your Refund
Williams Kunkel
February 6, 2020
Are you getting a tax refund this year? Tax refunds can help maintain the positive momentum for achieving money goals. (DFW Accountant Pros: What To Do With Your Refund) Depending on where you’re at in your financial journey, a tax refund can be a blessing. You can pay down debt... Read more

Dallas Tax Savings: Super Business Write Offs
Williams Kunkel
February 13, 2020
Many business owners try to save money anywhere they can. As a result, one area they should pay close attention to is tax deductions. Figuring out which business expenses you can deduct from your taxable income can save you big. Therefore, it’s important for small businesses to consult accountants and... Read more

Flower Mound Business Advisor: Tax Deductions for Self-Employed
Williams Kunkel
February 27, 2020
In this day and age we want both flexibility and convenience. We also want to be our own boss. This is why we have seen a steady rise in the numbers of self-employed individuals in the United States. Especially among young millennials who want to be in charge of their... Read more