Knowing When to Sell Your Business
Williams Kunkel
October 2, 2015
Many business owners have the mistaken idea that retiring from their business will be a pretty simple process… …they’ll just find a buyer when they’re ready to retire and live off the proceeds of the sale for the rest of their lives. In an ideal world, this would be true.... Read more

Positive Thinking in the Workplace
Williams Kunkel
October 9, 2015
Do your co-workers ever feel upset or angry in the workplace? Let’s look at the kind of feelings that can impact your work negatively and what kind of mental exercises can help you work around those feelings to keep your positive thinking alive. Recognize those bad feelings ... Read more

The Power of a Positive Outlook
Williams Kunkel
October 6, 2015
Nothing mirrors your quality of life more than your thinking. By deciding to take a positive outlook on life, one can begin to discard a negative frame of mind and view life more positively, with the anticipation of opportunities and challenges ahead, instead of dwelling on barriers in life. Positive... Read more

A Recipe for a Successful Small Business
Williams Kunkel
October 29, 2015
Since its inception, the United States has always been considered “the land of opportunity” – a place where any individual with motivation and drive can have a successful small business. This notion still holds true today as 99 percent of all American companies are small businesses, according to Small Business... Read more

Five Tips for Smart Business Growth
Williams Kunkel
October 27, 2015
Taking your business from the start-up phase to becoming a medium-sized enterprise is a pivotal step for many entrepreneurs. If you are at this stage, congratulations! You have succeeded where many others have failed, and you are potentially on your way to becoming a very successful company. That said, there... Read more

Five Ways to Provide Parental Leave For Employees
Williams Kunkel
October 22, 2015
With the right infrastructure, small businesses can not only survive, but thrive by giving employees parental leaves. For example, Becca Apfelstadt has a $3 million, 20-person company, treetree, that works with large corporate marketing departments. Her company expanded 10-fold after her first maternity leave three years ago. She credits the... Read more

Is Forgiven Debt Taxable?
Williams Kunkel
October 20, 2015
Generally, debt that is forgiven by a lender is considered taxable income by the IRS and must be included as income on your tax return. Examples include a debt for which you are personally liable such as mortgage debt, credit card debt, and sometimes, student loan debt. When that debt... Read more

The Art of Positive Feedback
Williams Kunkel
October 16, 2015
Knowing how to effectively give positive feedback is a powerful tool to develop employee skills and talent. However, many leaders on the front lines, middle management, and upper tiers of organizations often overlook positive feedback and reinforcement, or are unsure or uncomfortable about giving it. Why Positive Feedback Is Important... Read more

A Simple Trick For Keeping Good Team Members
Williams Kunkel
October 13, 2015
Finding good staff members is consistently in the top three priorities for small business owners. It seems that business owners will tell you that this problem is worse in their country than any other. Clearly that can’t be true, but it gives an indication of how serious the problem is.... Read more