Each year brings a new wave of tax laws. As such, the best tip is to always follow best practices so you’re prepared. (Flower Mound Accounting: Need-to-Know Tax Saving Tips) You often can’t predict tax law changes and they can significantly impact your deductions and return. A new year could bring positive changes due to a particularly business-friendly policy environment, … Read More
Dallas Texas CPAs: Make Your Money Last In Retirement, Part I
Many of us worry about running out of money in retirement. That make sense since we don’t know how long we’ll live, what our future costs might be, and what kind of returns we can expect on our savings. (Dallas Texas CPAs: Make Your Money Last In Retirement, Part I) But there are ways to boost the odds that your … Read More
DFW Tax Advisors: Rest of the Year Tax Tips
If there’s one thing we can generally agree on, it’s that taxes are a major pain. Nobody likes dealing with them, and nobody enjoys filing them. But if you follow these tips, you may find that you not only pay the IRS less money, but will also have an easier time preparing your next return. (DFW Tax Advisors: Rest of … Read More
Flower Mound Accountants: Midyear Tax Check-Up
With the summer season quickly ending, vacations and barbecues could be pushing out your business tax planning. However, this is the perfect time to review your business’s tax and financial plans with your certified public accountant (CPA). (Flower Mound Accountants: Midyear Tax Check-Up) Why is summer the best time to meet with your CPA? Here are some potential benefits: Talking … Read More