DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses

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DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses. Take Advantage Of These Five Tax Deductions To Further Your Success

BUSINESS OWNERS looking to lower their tax burden can take advantage of several money-saving deductions. These include popular deductions for vehicle expenses and home offices. It also includes relatively new qualified business income deduction that will allow some small business owners to write off 20% of their income. (DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses) Here are five business tax deductions that you … Read More

Dallas Tax Savings: Super Business Write Offs

WilliamsTax Planning and PreparationLeave a Comment

Many business owners try to save money anywhere they can. As a result, one area they should pay close attention to is tax deductions. Figuring out which business expenses you can deduct from your taxable income can save you big. Therefore, it’s important for small businesses to consult accountants and CPAs to ensure they’re maximizing their financial options. What are … Read More

Flower Mound Tax Help: These Tax Breaks Could Be Gone in 2018

WilliamsTax Planning and PreparationLeave a Comment

Flower Mound Tax Help: These Tax Breaks Could Be Gone in 2018

If you haven’t filed your 2017 taxes yet, grab your shoebox of receipts and see if you qualify for these deductions. Flower Mound Tax Help: These Tax Breaks Could Be Gone in 2018 By now, you know that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has overhauled the tax code, including nearly doubling the standard deduction, doing away with personal exemptions and trimming … Read More

5 Freelance Tax Tips

Distillery CreativeIRS Problem Resolution, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

small business challenges

Self-employed workers may have difficulty filing their taxes every year. These workers need to pay taxes on their income in addition to whatever self-employment taxes they might have. However, there are many self-employed tax tips that can help them reduce their tax burdens. Whether workers are fully self-employed or doing freelance work, there are costs in working without a boss … Read More

Choosing the Right Tax Professional

Distillery CreativeTax Planning and Preparation, Uncategorized11 Comments

Choosing a return preparer before the next tax season allows you more time to consider the appropriate options. Doing it early also gives you the chance to find and talk with prospective tax preparers rather than during tax season when they’re most busy. Furthermore, it enables taxpayers to do some wise tax planning for the rest of the year. If … Read More

Year-End Tax Planning Tips

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Tax Advice for Business Startup

Got your year-end tax planning underway for December 31, 2015? WE UNDERSTAND that year-end can be a drudge because it means making sure your business accounts are up to date and in order. But don’t leave it until the last minute. No decision, or rushed decisions, can lead to the wrong outcome and cost you more in taxes. Here are … Read More

Is Forgiven Debt Taxable?

Distillery CreativeTax Planning and Preparation, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

Flower Mound CPAs Williams and Kunkel - Tax Accountants

Generally, debt that is forgiven by a lender is considered taxable income by the IRS and must be included as income on your tax return. Examples include a debt for which you are personally liable such as mortgage debt, credit card debt, and sometimes, student loan debt. When that debt is forgiven, negotiated down (when you pay less than you … Read More

6 ways to avoid an IRS audit

Distillery CreativeIRS Problem Resolution, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

DFW CPA Tax Accountant - Business Tax Services | Williams & Kunkel CPA

Like so many things in life, the tax-filing process has become less ‘human’ and more automated. That means all you need to do is type one key wrong on your computer, and you could be an IRS person of interest. And, with the increase of ‘robo-audits,’ it’s becoming more important to leave no guesswork on your returns, because computers are … Read More