Business CPA: The Perfect Work Schedule
Williams Kunkel
May 9, 2019
Check out these 10 tips to help you create a schedule that works for your business and your team. They’ll also help you create ideal employee shifts for your business. (Business CPA: The Perfect Work Schedule) Determine Your Staffing Needs Scheduling is a balance. You need to have enough employees... Read more

Flower Mound Accountant: Celebrating Small Business Week
Williams Kunkel
May 1, 2018
What are the challenges that keep small businesses from doing more business? What can entrepreneurs, who already wear so many hats, do to overcome them? Reacting vs. thinking ahead Every business owner knows how important it is to stay on top of day-to-day operations, but survey results suggest “short-termism” is... Read more

Flower Mound Business Coach: Holiday Marketing Tips
Williams Kunkel
September 12, 2017
For many businesses owners, the holiday season is the most profitable time of year. This is nothing surprising. However, many aspects of holiday marketing have changed quite dramatically in recent years. If you’re using older methods, it will be difficult to keep up with the competition. Let’s look at some... Read more

DFW Business Coach: Small Business Mistakes To Avoid
Williams Kunkel
October 25, 2017
Small businesses make a lot of mistakes that could have a major impact on their team members and bottom line. Of course, it is unrealistic to expect any business to operate completely free of mistakes. But if you learn some of the most common ones from other business owners who... Read more

Small Business Help: Boost Your Numbers This Fall
Williams Kunkel
October 31, 2017
The weather is suddenly getting cooler. Leaves are changing color. Halloween decorations line the store shelves. Suddenly, business is picking up. Welcome to fall, the busiest, most hectic, and important time of the year for many small businesses. How will you make the most of the season in your small... Read more

Four Ways to Grow Your Business
Williams Kunkel
January 5, 2017
Four Roads to a Thriving Business According to most people, there are only four ways to grow your business: Increase the number of customers Get them coming back more often Increase the average spend Improve the effectiveness of every business process For instance, a local art gallery worked with their... Read more

Grow Your Business and Fall in Love with It Again
Williams Kunkel
February 14, 2017
Can you remember back when you first started your business? You were so excited about your business and the success it would achieve. Remember? And you got butterflies in your stomach when you were working out business plans? But then something changed. Maybe it didn’t go the way you planned.... Read more

Four Small Business Mistakes
Williams Kunkel
June 21, 2016
It is only to be expected that business owners make financial mistakes which can jeopardize their dreams. Here are four of the most common small business mistakes and how business owners can avoid them. Failing to plan Few small businesses have a working budget and cash flow forecast which is... Read more

Motivating A Team With More Than Pay Raises
Williams Kunkel
September 8, 2015
Staff motivation should always be on top of your priority list because a business thrives when it’s people thrive. If they’re not motivated – if they don’t feel as if they’re adding value and are indispensable within the team – then your business is at a huge disadvantage. It’s a... Read more

Strategic Planning Steps for Business Management
Williams Kunkel
September 15, 2015
What are the Strategic Planning Steps? The Strategic Planning Steps business management system is an organizational tool that is used by groups and corporations globally to refine their goals and maximize their resources. Drawing from the concepts of strategic military planning, the Strategic Planning process is one way in which... Read more

Five Tips for Smart Business Growth
Williams Kunkel
October 27, 2015
Taking your business from the start-up phase to becoming a medium-sized enterprise is a pivotal step for many entrepreneurs. If you are at this stage, congratulations! You have succeeded where many others have failed, and you are potentially on your way to becoming a very successful company. That said, there... Read more

Williams & Kunkel, CPAs LLP client case study Jesse James Fit
Williams Kunkel
March 4, 2015
Just as the before and after images on the website show the amazing transformations of their clients… So too has local business Jesse James Fit in Flower Mound experienced its own metamorphosis. Office Manager Maddie and Administrative Assistant Sally provided some valuable insight on the weight loss center and elite... Read more

Is your business planning suffering from SPOTS Syndrome?
Williams Kunkel
May 17, 2015
SPOTS Syndrome is proof that an organization’s strategic planning process is a waste of time and resources. Too many business’ strategic plans are still hit by ‘Strategic Plans On Top Shelf’ or SPOTS Syndrome. Here we look at three key areas that continue to foil strategic planning if not dealt... Read more

7 strategies for growing your business
Williams Kunkel
May 5, 2015
Now you want a growth plan? What could go wrong? Here are seven common areas where we regularly see mishaps when businesses try to develop and execute a growth plan: Concentrating resource. A good sales strategy looks at all available resources and concentrates them on a few carefully chosen options.... Read more