Dallas Tax Advisor: Retiring As a Business Owner
Williams Kunkel
June 20, 2019
Business owners and gig economy workers may enjoy their freedom and often benefit from more flexibility. But, they miss out on the retirement plans and contributions that many full-time workers receive. So, how should a small business owner plan for retirement in the absence of company-sponsored plans? (Dallas Tax Advisor:... Read more

Last-Minute Tax Tips From Tax Reduction Specialist
Williams Kunkel
March 7, 2019
For those who wish to file by April 17, the pressure begins to build around now. Before the race gets heated here shortly, you may want to learn how last year’s tax reform changed things. You’ll be dealing with some of the biggest changes in a generation, so prepare. Besides... Read more

Last Minute Tax Expert Advice To Help This Year
Williams Kunkel
March 14, 2017
With the tax filing deadline soon, many people are already scrambling to gather their paperwork and get their returns in before it’s too late. Here are some last minute tax expert advice for those of you filing your taxes. This tax expert advice from a certified public accountant can reduce... Read more