CPA Business Consultant Asks: Are you a Leader or a Manager?

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Does a Small Business Need Leadership or Management?

The answer is both. Have you ever heard the expression “Too many generals and not enough soldiers?” Well it can work both ways. Too many soldiers without a strong general will surely find themselves fighting the wrong battles.

Businesses with too many leaders fail from their inability to manage. Likewise companies with excellent managers fail because they did not innovate or motivate.

We need to develop managers who can lead and leaders who can manage. So what is the difference?

Think of it like this: you need to manage things and lead people.

For example great managers manage costs, inventory, cash flow, processes, information systems, facilities and operations. With regard to leadership, great businesses lead their people, drive the company vision, guide their employee and customer perceptions. Ultimately, they generate a positive and productive corporate mindset and culture.

As the business owner, you are responsible for leading your business to success and getting your people excited about your vision for the business.

Too often leadership is seen as defining a step-by-step business strategy that people need to follow. However, coming up with a strategy and relying on your position as business owner is not enough.

That model fails you, your employees and your business. People will learn to do just what they have to so that they can meet expectations and not lose their job. True leadership is the art of understanding and rewarding your employees’ and customers’ needs so that they want to make your business a success. Recruit competent people who can manage the day-to-day tasks and operations so that you can lead your organization forward.

Call Williams & Kunkel CPA today in Flower Mound at 972-446-1040 to have a chat and find out how you can grow your business. 

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Source: Panalitix

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