Flower Mound Business Coach: Holiday Marketing Tips
Williams Kunkel
September 12, 2017
For many businesses owners, the holiday season is the most profitable time of year. This is nothing surprising. However, many aspects of holiday marketing have changed quite dramatically in recent years. If you’re using older methods, it will be difficult to keep up with the competition. Let’s look at some... Read more

DFW Business Coach: Small Business Mistakes To Avoid
Williams Kunkel
October 25, 2017
Small businesses make a lot of mistakes that could have a major impact on their team members and bottom line. Of course, it is unrealistic to expect any business to operate completely free of mistakes. But if you learn some of the most common ones from other business owners who... Read more

DFW Business Advice: Starting A Small Business Next Year?
Williams Kunkel
November 30, 2017
As the end of 2017 approaches, aspiring entrepreneurs will reassess their situations and consider taking the plunge. It doesn’t happen overnight. Rather, it is a process. Here are some things to consider before taking that first step. Conduct thorough market research Before making any investments, conduct market research to determine... Read more

Dallas Business Advice: New Year’s Small Business Resolutions
Williams Kunkel
January 11, 2018
When January 1 comes, small business owners examine what happened during the past 12 months and decide to start fresh by making business financial resolutions. Resolutions are often easier said than done, however. Many of us have forgotten or dropped our individual New Year’s resolutions by Groundhog Day. Small business owners... Read more

Flower Mound Tax Pros: Ways To Save Your Small Business Money
Williams Kunkel
January 16, 2018
As a small business owner you need to be really frugal. Lack of or misuse of capital is one of the main reasons why companies fail . That said, priority number one should be to save money. While some ideas will save more money than others you need to understand... Read more

Consultant Improves Profit with CPA’s Help
Williams Kunkel
October 13, 2016
Learning How to Turn Promise into Profit Joe is the CEO of a growing IT consultant firm that provide network management solutions as well as selling and repairing computer equipment out of a retail store. He has two silent partners in the business who lent him some money to get... Read more

Show Me the Money!
Williams Kunkel
May 18, 2016
“Show Me The Money!” Every business owner at one time or another has had this phrase or a version of it pass through their mind when brainstorming ways to find small business success. If you’re one of them, check off your business against these six critically important questions: Do you... Read more

A Promotions Plan That Works
Williams Kunkel
May 24, 2016
You may have the greatest product ever, but if you don’t tell the world about it with a well-crafted promotions plan, it will sit on the shelves collecting dust until the day comes when you finally have to close down your business. Remember: you know what is great about your business... Read more

Small Business Promotion for Free
Williams Kunkel
June 3, 2016
Sometimes, having a great idea or product is not enough to get customers in the door. But small business promotion doesn’t have to be a costly endeavor. There are a number of effective and free ways to get people excited about what you have to offer. Here are five great... Read more

Dentist’s Revenue Jumped With CPA Advice
Williams Kunkel
June 14, 2016
Dentist’s revenue jumps with one simple process change. Janice started a dental surgery practice three years ago. She had grown the business from nothing, reaching breakeven quickly through word of mouth and then moving into profitability. However, she also felt there was so much more potential to grow. When her... Read more

Four Small Business Mistakes
Williams Kunkel
June 21, 2016
It is only to be expected that business owners make financial mistakes which can jeopardize their dreams. Here are four of the most common small business mistakes and how business owners can avoid them. Failing to plan Few small businesses have a working budget and cash flow forecast which is... Read more

Benefits of Cloud Accounting
Williams Kunkel
July 14, 2016
Mary runs a small digital marketing agency with a small team, serving business clients seeking to optimize their potential customers’ experience in interacting with their websites and social media platforms. As the business started to grow, Mary had neglected the financial aspect of her business and found that although sales... Read more

What is a Business Barometer?
Williams Kunkel
November 26, 2015
Just as important as goal-setting is developing a way to track your progress. Having barometer, so to speak, will show you how you are progressing — and how close you are to reaching your goals. Seeing your progress will also help keep you focused and motivated. In short, having a business barometer will keep... Read more

4 Small Business Strategies
Williams Kunkel
December 8, 2015
It might be time to stop cutting costs and start focusing on growth strategies again. The law of diminishing returns tells us that cutting costs with your business will have a positive effect, but there comes a point where the return on investment starts to diminish. Is your company too... Read more

Strategic Planning Steps for Business Management
Williams Kunkel
September 15, 2015
What are the Strategic Planning Steps? The Strategic Planning Steps business management system is an organizational tool that is used by groups and corporations globally to refine their goals and maximize their resources. Drawing from the concepts of strategic military planning, the Strategic Planning process is one way in which... Read more

Knowing When to Sell Your Business
Williams Kunkel
October 2, 2015
Many business owners have the mistaken idea that retiring from their business will be a pretty simple process… …they’ll just find a buyer when they’re ready to retire and live off the proceeds of the sale for the rest of their lives. In an ideal world, this would be true.... Read more

Five Tips for Smart Business Growth
Williams Kunkel
October 27, 2015
Taking your business from the start-up phase to becoming a medium-sized enterprise is a pivotal step for many entrepreneurs. If you are at this stage, congratulations! You have succeeded where many others have failed, and you are potentially on your way to becoming a very successful company. That said, there... Read more

How To Build a High-Performance Business
Williams Kunkel
August 18, 2015
Building a high-performance organization means successfully outperforming one’s competitors for the long haul. But…how exactly is this done? If you start by looking at key characteristics of high-performing organizations, a blueprint for achieving long-term success emerges. This can be mapped out in five steps, along with some commons traps to... Read more

5 tips for making a knockout business plan
Williams Kunkel
April 14, 2015
While most business owners may find it hard to come up with new ideas, there is really no excuse for having a poor business plan. During the early days of your startup journey, you should be able to do two things better than anything else: 1) give a straightforward and... Read more

Williams & Kunkel, CPAs LLP client case study TSI
Williams Kunkel
February 18, 2015
Bill Beatty at Telephone Services, Inc. talks about his accounting, payroll and more. Bill Beatty was working as VP at Telephone Services, Inc. (TSI) in Lewisville when the business came up for sale in 2005, and he jumped at the chance to own it. After all, how hard could it... Read more