DFW Business Tips: Saving Money on Insurance

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DFW Business Tips: Saving Money on Insurance

The coronavirus has forced millions of people to shelter in place, closing thousands of businesses and leading many to institute work-from-home policies. For an even greater number of small companies — retailers, restaurants and others — this has meant layoffs and job loss. (DFW Business Tips: Saving Money on Insurance) Regardless of how long the impact of the global pandemic … Read More

DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses

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DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses. Take Advantage Of These Five Tax Deductions To Further Your Success

BUSINESS OWNERS looking to lower their tax burden can take advantage of several money-saving deductions. These include popular deductions for vehicle expenses and home offices. It also includes relatively new qualified business income deduction that will allow some small business owners to write off 20% of their income. (DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses) Here are five business tax deductions that you … Read More

Dallas Tax Help: Want to File an Extension?

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April 15 might be the least popular day of the year for many of us. Taxes are due and, especially with the drastic changes in the tax code, many people just aren’t ready yet. If you’re among them, it’s possible to get an extension, but it’s important to follow the right steps. If you’re expecting a refund this year, you might … Read More