Dallas Tax Reduction: Saving More Income

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Dallas Tax Reduction: Saving More Income

If you already have some kind of emergency fund, have paid off high-interest debt, and are maxing out your tax-advantaged accounts, a congrats is in order! You’ve already developed good savings habits that lay the foundation for financial freedom. (Dallas Tax Reduction: Saving More Income) When you’re saving at least 20% of your income, how can you save even more? Below are a … Read More

DFW Save Taxes: Don’t Be a Cheap Business Owner

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DFW Save Taxes: Don't Be a Cheap Business Owner

Many business owners struggle to know the difference between smart financial decisions and blanket cost-cutting. (DFW Save Taxes: Don’t Be a Cheap Business Owner) While cutting costs may be great, it can also be fatal if done without careful consideration of your outcomes. Companies do not grow by cutting costs; they grow by increasing sales. If owners, in an attempt … Read More

DFW CPA Tax Pro: Painless Cash-Saving Tips

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Top 10 Strategies for Smart Tax Planning

Many of us have more time than cash nowadays. If this includes you, then make the most of your free time by making smart financial moves. (DFW CPA Tax Pro: Painless Cash-Saving Tips) If you have time but no money, it’s time to become the best version of yourself. What separates successful people from people who struggle financially is often … Read More

DFW Business Tips: Saving Money on Insurance

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DFW Business Tips: Saving Money on Insurance

The coronavirus has forced millions of people to shelter in place, closing thousands of businesses and leading many to institute work-from-home policies. For an even greater number of small companies — retailers, restaurants and others — this has meant layoffs and job loss. (DFW Business Tips: Saving Money on Insurance) Regardless of how long the impact of the global pandemic … Read More

DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses

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DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses. Take Advantage Of These Five Tax Deductions To Further Your Success

BUSINESS OWNERS looking to lower their tax burden can take advantage of several money-saving deductions. These include popular deductions for vehicle expenses and home offices. It also includes relatively new qualified business income deduction that will allow some small business owners to write off 20% of their income. (DFW Business Advisors: Tax Deductions For Successful Businesses) Here are five business tax deductions that you … Read More

Dallas Tax Savings: Super Business Write Offs

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Many business owners try to save money anywhere they can. As a result, one area they should pay close attention to is tax deductions. Figuring out which business expenses you can deduct from your taxable income can save you big. Therefore, it’s important for small businesses to consult accountants and CPAs to ensure they’re maximizing their financial options. What are … Read More