Flower Mound Small Business Help: Summer Reading List
Williams Kunkel
May 15, 2018
The right words of advice can get you closer to your goals. They can also inspire you to be a better leader. Josh Linkner, the author of the best-selling “The Road to Reinvention,” which urges businesses to go beyond the status quo for success shared this list of five books he would recommend... Read more

DFW CPA Summer Survival Tips
Williams Kunkel
May 24, 2018
Memorial Day is traditionally the beginning of the summer season, and for many small businesses, that means customers flocking through the doors. For others, it’s a slow time: Customers don’t come, clients don’t call. Whether you sell surfboards or snowboards, picnic baskets or Christmas baskets, the health of your small... Read more

Flower Mound Tax Help: Must Read Books For Realtors
Williams Kunkel
June 21, 2018
If you search real estate books on Amazon there are nearly 70,000 results, with more being published each day. Some of which are probably great resources. Others, however, are either vanity projects or written to sell you coaching services. To help navigate this barrage of real estate books, here’s a... Read more

DFW Business Coach: Small Business Mistakes To Avoid
Williams Kunkel
October 25, 2017
Small businesses make a lot of mistakes that could have a major impact on their team members and bottom line. Of course, it is unrealistic to expect any business to operate completely free of mistakes. But if you learn some of the most common ones from other business owners who... Read more

Our New Website Helps Business Owners
Williams Kunkel
April 25, 2017
Beth Williams, co-owner of Flower Mound, TX accounting firm Williams & Kunkel, CPAs, explains the new directions our business is taking. As part of our commitment to serving small business owners, we’ve spiffed up our website and outlined our mission. Take a look. We think you’ll find as inspiring and... Read more

DFW Business Advisor: Remember Your Purpose
Williams Kunkel
June 6, 2017
In a recent Harvard commencement speech, Mark Zuckerberg explained how some big companies wanted to buy Facebook a couple years into his venture. Everyone around him told him to take the money and run. But Zuckerberg held onto his business a little longer. He felt it was destined for something... Read more

Small Business Consulting: Finding the Why
Williams Kunkel
June 20, 2017
Surely you had an inspiration when you decided to start your business. Was it to provide a service or product better, faster or cheaper than what was currently available? Was it to fill a gap in the marketplace? Perhaps you were inspired to run a business that people enjoyed working... Read more

Where to Get Small Business Advice
Williams Kunkel
July 26, 2016
When you own a small business, everyone wants to give you advice. It can come from all kinds of sources: friends, family members, neighbors, social media connections, people you meet walking your dog. A lot of times such advice is not very helpful. If you’re looking for worthwhile advice, there... Read more

Giving Yourself More Time
Williams Kunkel
July 28, 2016
If you can free up an hour a day, you’ll create a month a year for yourself. If you’re a business owner, that could be a breakthrough thought. What would you do if you were able to free up a month a year? Perhaps you’d use it to focus on... Read more

Overcoming Small Business Challenges
Williams Kunkel
April 26, 2016
Entrepreneurs and small business owners who follow the 3 tips below often enjoy success regardless of what business challenges are thrown at them. Those business owners who embrace these principles thrive during major economic downturns. And although these 3 tips may seem counter-intuitive at first sight, try them out and... Read more

Save Up For Summer Vacation
Williams Kunkel
May 12, 2016
With the summer vacation season coming soon, you’re probably already dreaming of pristine beaches, family reunions or mountain hikes. But for many people, those dream vacations stay just that — dreams— due to lack of funds. However, you still have time to start save up for summer vacation with a... Read more

Flower Mound CPA In National Physique Championship
Williams Kunkel
February 2, 2016
Jesse James Fit client and Flower Mound CPA Beth Williams, Managing Partner at Williams & Kunkel CPAs, placed as a newcomer in the Masters Bikini Division at The National Physique Committee JTF Physique Championships held in Irving on September 26 , 2015. Beth shed the image of what everyone imagines to... Read more

5 Spring Financial Tips
Williams Kunkel
March 22, 2016
As the year moves further into Spring, it’s time to start thinking about how to refresh your financial life with these Spring financial tips. It may require just looking at things differently rather than making drastic changes. In the end, you want to put yourself in a position to take... Read more

Post-Tax Season Money Tips
Williams Kunkel
April 1, 2016
After tax craziness subsides, spring is an ideal time to take a look at your money management. Here are some post-tax season money tips to help you get your finances in check before summer: 1. Run Your Credit Report Your credit score can impact everything from your mortgage rate to your... Read more

11 Habits of People Who Reach Their Goals
Williams Kunkel
November 12, 2015
Research shows that 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions, while only 8% are successful at achieving them. What is it about those 8% that make them so different? It might sound simple, but it comes down to their habits. Here are 11 you simply must have if you... Read more

4 Small Business Strategies
Williams Kunkel
December 8, 2015
It might be time to stop cutting costs and start focusing on growth strategies again. The law of diminishing returns tells us that cutting costs with your business will have a positive effect, but there comes a point where the return on investment starts to diminish. Is your company too... Read more

5 Tips for Motivating Team Members
Williams Kunkel
December 10, 2015
Great managers are made by how well they motivate their team members. Here are five proven ways for motivating people on your staff. 1. They take responsibility for the store’s success and failure. Exceptional managers always have a “the buck starts and stops here” mentality. They never blame weather, competitors,... Read more

3 Best Ways to Work with Millennials
Williams Kunkel
January 8, 2016
The next-generation worker, aka the Millennial, is a big part of the business landscape and a huge part of the future. In fact, by 2020, Millennials will represent 50% of the workforce and an astounding 75% of the workforce by 2025. It’s important that your company caters to this next... Read more

How Workplace Conflict Can Improve a Business
Williams Kunkel
January 5, 2016
Managed correctly, workplace conflict can be a positive source of innovation and creativity. Here are five myths about workplace conflict (plus tips on how to harness its power): 1. Conflict is always negative and should be avoided at work. Quite the contrary. When problems are hidden or masked, they aren’t... Read more

Positive Thinking in the Workplace
Williams Kunkel
October 9, 2015
Do your co-workers ever feel upset or angry in the workplace? Let’s look at the kind of feelings that can impact your work negatively and what kind of mental exercises can help you work around those feelings to keep your positive thinking alive. Recognize those bad feelings ... Read more

The Power of a Positive Outlook
Williams Kunkel
October 6, 2015
Nothing mirrors your quality of life more than your thinking. By deciding to take a positive outlook on life, one can begin to discard a negative frame of mind and view life more positively, with the anticipation of opportunities and challenges ahead, instead of dwelling on barriers in life. Positive... Read more

The Art of Positive Feedback
Williams Kunkel
October 16, 2015
Knowing how to effectively give positive feedback is a powerful tool to develop employee skills and talent. However, many leaders on the front lines, middle management, and upper tiers of organizations often overlook positive feedback and reinforcement, or are unsure or uncomfortable about giving it. Why Positive Feedback Is Important... Read more